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New blog entries below. If you are interested in reading about my travels, check out my other blog, Among Buddhas & Babas

Kristi Saare Duarte
Oct 9, 20246 min read
Rapeh: The Sacred Healing Tobacco
It's hard to describe the love I feel for this sacred medicine and its profound impact on my life. The first time I tried rapeh, I was...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Sep 27, 20246 min read
The Day My Parents Died
September 28, 1994. Tallinn, Estonia. I woke up from the sound of the phone ringing in the hallway. Rousing from a deep slumber, I...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Feb 21, 20242 min read
The Healing Power of Shamanic Plant Medicines
As many of you know, I have been exploring shamanic and plant medicines for the last year or so, and they have seriously changed my life....

Kristi Saare Duarte
Feb 21, 20242 min read
50 is the New 30: Embrace Your Age with Confidence
Are you tired of society's constant obsession with youth and unrealistic beauty standards? Are you ready to ditch the anti-aging creams,...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Feb 21, 20243 min read
Embarking on the Sacred Highway to Awakening
The Journey of Spiritual Evolution: Patience, Practice, and Sacred Medicines On the winding road to enlightenment, we often yearn for a...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Jan 18, 20243 min read
The Practice of Loving Kindness
Many years ago, my sister and I were talking about how to achieve enlightenment. “We are supposed to love everybody,” she said, and we...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Jan 18, 20242 min read
How to Understand Any Language You Don’t Speak
The door on the back street in Xi’an stood wide open, casting a glow of fluorescent light onto the pavement. From inside came the sound...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Jan 5, 20243 min read
Life Lesson: Never Judge and Never Compare
The first lesson I learned from the spirit of Ayahuasca was to never judge and never compare. This vital life lesson has served me well...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Dec 6, 20233 min read
Gratitude = The Key to Happiness
A few years ago, coming home from a five-month trip around Asia (see my travel blog HERE), I believed I had found the key to happiness:...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Dec 6, 20231 min read
Who was Nicolas Notovich – and did Jesus really visit India?
My first novel, The Transmigrant, was inspired by an 1894 book written by a Russian-Jewish explorer named Nicolas Notovitch. His book,...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Dec 6, 20234 min read
Why I Wrote A Book About Jesus
I’m neither religious nor an atheist. Honestly, I have nothing to prove; I don’t care if Jesus ever lived, or if he was simply the...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Dec 5, 202311 min read
When Happiness Comes from a Cactus
My first experience with the medicine of Huachuma (the San Pedro cactus) was one of the best days of my life. The second time, not so...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Oct 7, 20236 min read
What Mushrooms Can Teach Us
Thousands of years ago, medicine men all over the world used mushrooms to heal illnesses: both mental and physical. But in the modern...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Aug 9, 20234 min read
Immediate Access to Heaven (via a Toad)
If I told you that you can get instant access to Heaven, would you believe me? Have you longed for a state of complete bliss? A toad may...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Jun 29, 20232 min read
Don't Fear Being Vulnerable
I recently found this blog post I wrote a few days after pre-publishing my first novel, The Transmigrant, in 2017. At this time, only a...

Kristi Saare Duarte
May 9, 20234 min read
Invincible, me? Guess not.
I've always wanted to seem strong and confident. Invincible, really. As a youngster, I sought to lift as heavy a load as any man, drink...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Apr 13, 202311 min read
Why Working in Advertising Can Kill You
The advertising industry always had a magical ring to it: a glamourous world of fancy cocktails, extravagant parties, and excitement all...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Apr 3, 20234 min read
The Transmigrant by Kristi Saare Duarte: review of an excellent novel
Crono News article translated from Italian to English via Google Translate Historical Fiction imbued with great mysticism The...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Mar 31, 20239 min read
Holy Sananga! This plant medicine stings!!!
At my last Kambô session, the medicine woman suggested I might want to do a 21-day dieta with Sananga. No way, I thought. Why would I...

Kristi Saare Duarte
Mar 12, 20231 min read
Shhhh... Listen to the Silence
It's Sunday, the perfect day for stillness and rest. And the ideal day to focus on listening instead of talking or doing or planning. If...
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